Oil Portrait Painting ecourse

Item Description

Spring Sale- 50% off online classes

$30 (originally $60)


promo for Oil Portrait Painting class from Kate Thompson on Vimeo.


In this class I will be demonstrate 3 different portraits. The 1s  portrait will be all oils. This project is a classical way of working with oils.  I will start with an underpainting using raw umber and white. The next step is to complete the portrait with color. The 2nd project I will be working with charcoal at first, then adding transparent yellow iron oxide for color. I go back and forth with oil color and charcoal. I then make a mixture of black adding white to get several values. This is a very loose way of making expressive marks. The 3rd project I work on watercolor paper I work with charcoal, pastels and oil bars for another very expressive portrait. Nearly 8 hours of video tape.

This is a self-paced class and all the videos are downloadable as well.

When I receive payment, I will send you an email with the password for all the videos and pdf. ALL THE CLASSROOM LINKS ARE LOCATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS WEBSITE (You will see a Facebook, Twitter, etc. symbols. They are right above that)

PLEASE NOTE;  You will receive an email from the websites store receipt of payment. There is a user name and password for store records, but you will receive a 2nd email from me giving you links and passwords to the class videos.


Supply list for Oil Portrait Painting Class

OIL PAINTS-Ivory Black, Raw Umber, Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Yellow Ochre, Cad Red Medium and Titanium White ( I use Williamsburg oil paints but you can use any brand)   https://www.dickblick.com/products/williamsburg-handmade-oil-paints/

Light Red by Winsor Newton https://www.dickblick.com/items/00461-3013/

BRUSHES- Rosemary and Co brushes- Ivory Flats size 4,8,10 https://www.rosemaryandco.com/oil-brushes/ivory-oils/ivory-short-flats

OR Raphael Paris Classics size 4,8,10 https://www.dickblick.com/products/raphael-paris-classic-brushes/

Fan brush https://www.dickblick.com/items/09260-1002/

¼ inch Princeton Select Angle shader https://www.dickblick.com/items/06381-4014/

Davinci pointed #1 brush- any brand ……here is one https://www.dickblick.com/items/05808-1001/

Palette knife- any type for mixing paints

R&F Pigment Sticks, Titanium Zinc White and Neutral Gray Medium https://www.dickblick.com/products/r-and-f-pigment-sticks/

Gamsol https://www.dickblick.com/items/00456-1016/

Walnut oil https://www.dickblick.com/items/01573-1004/

UNISON PASTELS, White, Light 1, Light 2, Light 9, gray 7, gray 18, Portrait 3, Portrait 6, Red Earth 9, Red Earth 10, Brown Earth 9, Brown Earth 33, Yellow 2https://www.dickblick.com/products/unison-handmade-pastels/

Stabilo pencil – black https://www.dickblick.com/items/20408-2001/

Cosmetic sponges (check the cosmetic area for these)

Pan pastel mini applicators https://www.dickblick.com/items/21935-1012/ or check the cosmetic area for these as well

White acrylic paint-any brand

Derwent XL Charcoal black https://www.dickblick.com/items/19782-1000/

Vine Charcoal https://www.dickblick.com/products/winsor-and-newton-vine-and-willow-charcoal-packs/

Cretacolor charcoal holder https://www.dickblick.com/products/cretacolor-ecologic-wooden-lead-holder/
extra lead https://www.dickblick.com/items/20446-9002/

OR REGULAR CHARCOAL PENCILS 2B, 4B https://www.dickblick.com/products/generals-charcoal-pencils-and-sets/

Black jersey material, cotton balls and rubber band to make charcoal sachets

Blending stumps https://www.dickblick.com/products/loew-cornell-blending-stumps/

Canvas boards 11” x 14” https://www.dickblick.com/items/07008-5114/ 



Hotpress 300lb watercolor paper 22” x 30” https://www.dickblick.com/items/10011-1052/ or if you have watercolor paper pads those will work out too. (THIS SUBSTRATE IS FOR THE CHARCOAL UNDERPAINTING PROJECT)


Centurion OP DLX oil primed linen pad (this is for the underpainting and color layer projects )




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